Newborn Session

Studio Newborn 6 Weeks Old

February 3, 2023

I am a wife, mother, and photographer who is determined to give you and your loved ones timeless and organic keepsake images that will captivate your heart forever.
EPP serves women and families by offering Maternity, Newborn, and Family Photography in the Portland, Oregon Metro Area. Our photography produces personal, relationship focused, film and film-like images.

2/3/23 – Troutdale, Oregon

When it comes to scheduling the newborn photo session, the million-dollar question is always: WHEN?

And that is a totally legitimate question! Every birth is unpredictable, as well as newborn life, especially as a first-time mama! How do we schedule a newborn session before we know the date of birth? How old should baby be? What if I’m not up to photos just a few days postpartum? How will this work into the new 3-hour schedule that my life now completely revolves around?

Well friends, you have questions, and I have answers! But I’m only going to answer one of those today, and that is the “WHEN” question.

Let me let you in on a little secret: Newborn Photos don’t have to be within the first 10 days. WHAAA?? Nope, they don’t.

Sure, that’s the ideal time frame that I prefer as your Newborn Photographer. Baby will sleep through all sorts of sounds and movements and clothing changes, and they are the tiniest, sleepy, snuggly version of themself that they will ever be. And that makes for some really precious photos that you’ll truly appreciate as they skyrocket in size over the next year!

But I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: Your photos are not about me. In fact, your photos aren’t the most important thing going on in those early weeks. The learning curve is steep, and health (physical and mental) is of upmost importance. If you need time, I give you time! If there’s one thing you take away from this post today, let it be that there is NEVER a bad time to have professional photos taken of your infant. I’ve actually had some clients find me after being turned down by another company for being “past the prime” age, can you believe that?! Anyway.

I consider newborn photos to be anytime within the first 8 weeks of life. After that they’re just plain ole’ sweet baby photos and see above, never “too late”! 🙂

Today I want to show you a session of a newborn baby girl, who was 6 weeks old! So yes, she was already starting to smile, much more awake, and wanted a bit more time with mama. And guess what? The session was perfect.

A year from now, I know this family will look back at photos of their 6-week-old baby girl and be in awe of how tiny she was, her sweet little features, and how proud her brother was (and how he’s grown, too!).

To be honest, I bet you wouldn’t even know how old she was if I hadn’t just told you.

So if your birth doesn’t go as planned. You aren’t as mobile as you’d hoped. Maybe baby needs time in the NICU or feeding is really a time and brain consuming struggle. Maybe you just want more time before venturing out. I have solutions for all of these normal things that pop up and try to make your session visit with me as comfortable and easy to schedule as possible, but the timing is 100% your call. You want to wait a bit, then you got it, new mama!

I can’t wait to see you and your beautiful new baby soon, even if it’s a few weeks after birth! 😉

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I am a wife, mother, and photographer who is determined to give you and your loved ones timeless and organic keepsake images that will captivate your heart forever.

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