Not just another list of products: Emilie’s favorite resources for new moms and newborn babies from your Portland Newborn Photographer, Emilie Phillipson Photography.
One of my favorite parts of the work I do is working with newly postpartum mothers, watching them dote on their sweet new babies. I see this stage of life as so special, short, and insanely beautiful. Those first weeks as a mom (even when it’s not your first baby, but especially when it is) are incredibly transformative to us as women. Your brain is literally being re-wired in a completely new way to love and sacrifice for this new human and the love you feel for them is overwhelming.

And at the same time…
The newborn phase can also be overwhelming. Like many of the moms I serve, my first newborn experience was less than dazzling. Rhett’s unexpected premature birth kicked off my motherhood experience with a 3+ week NICU stay. After getting home, we “enjoyed” months of debilitating colic, tongue ties, and nursing struggles, among many other physical and mental health issues. I’m looking at you, trauma induced depression. I know that I’m not alone! I’ve worked with many mothers who are, or were, in the same boat. All just trying to land on our feet as a new mother.
Emilie’s Favorite Resources for New Moms
I want to share my favorite resources for new moms with you. Not another list of products that promise to ease your problems. Although there really are some amazing products out there and my friend has compiled a great list here, but a list of my favorite experts for very common problems. None of us can know everything, yet we need guidance to a firm foundation when our world is being turned up-side-down in early motherhood. I hope you’ll save this list and share it with a new mom in your life, too.

For Baby
Sleep: Taking Cara Babies. Everyone getting sleep is essential to regaining a sense of normalcy. While I don’t follow everything to a T, and I’ve been known to (and love to) co-sleep with my babies, getting them to nap well and onto a predictable routine is life changing. Sleep is essential!
Sleep: I also recommend the book Babywise, if you don’t want to splurge on a Cara course. And no, it’s not crying it out sleep training, don’t let rumors scare you! Understanding baby’s ques, needs, and routines are key, and you can always take what you want and leave what you don’t want from any expert. In fact, I recommend that approach!
Breastfeeding: is a solid resource for late night googling when you hit a nursing/feeding issue! Having a knowledgeable IBCLC (International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant) on your team is amazing, but you probably aren’t going to be texting them and getting answers at 3am, which is sometimes when you need it.

Tongue Ties: Tongue Ties are such a common issue both in my family and for many of my friends and clients, too. First, you definitely need to work with your lactation consultant. Spoiler: I don’t recommend seeing your pediatrician for a thorough exam! Dr. Bobby Ghaheri is the national leading expert who happens to be based here in Portland, Oregon, and has tons of free information on his Instagram and website.
Physical and Mental Health
Chiropractic Care: I’m a big believer of chiro care for both mom and baby. Both of my children received chiropractic care in their very early days (thanks to tongue tie issues) but also throughout their toddler years for different developmental and nervous system concerns. If you’re local to Portland, I highly recommend Dr. Chandler of Nexus Chiropractic in Vancouver (I could sing her praises endlessly!) but if you’re outside of the Portland Oregon area, look for a family chiropractor who specializes in postpartum and children. Bonus if they also support your breastfeeding journey and will adjust your babies as they nurse 🙂 I couldn’t imagine working through my first postpartum years without Dr. Chandler on our care team.
Informed Consent: In a pre-2020 world, it wasn’t controversial to want to research medical interventions and options, including vaccinations, and decide what was right for you and your baby on an individual basis. Just the Inserts is a resource I recommend using to locate manufacturer and government stated information you may utilize in making medical decisions for your children.
Baby Brain Development: My last suggestion for baby is the Wonder Weeks leaping app. Not only does it give you tips and an explanation of what your baby is currently learning and how to play/stimulate their brains best, it also helps you determine when they are going through developmental “leaps” and may be needing extra cuddle time or explain any otherwise unexpected fussiness or sleep regressions.

For Mom
Pelvic PT: Women In Motion Wellness I found Michelle on Instagram and found her to be very helpful. She offers postpartum pelvic PT courses and is a wealth of knowledge!
Relationships: Marriage365 has been a favorite resource of mine long before kids, but I’ve definitely renewed our membership several times since becoming a parent. Marriage365 is like virtual marriage counseling mixed with YouTube. You watch videos and work through foundational marriage topics together, and then have access to a huge library of topics. Issues are bound to come up at some point in parenting with the added stress, lifestyle changes, and important decisions of parenting. Marriage365 has been incredibly helpful in strengthening my marriage and working through our issues healthily, together.

Babywearing: I love babywearing and also have found it super helpful during the 5 o’clock crazy time of trying to get dinner ready with older children who also need my attention. I met Cassidy of Let’s Talk Babywearing earlier in 2024 (she’s local to the Portland area!) and she has so much information to share about different carriers and finding the best fit for you and your baby (and toddlers!).
Physical and Mental Health
Health & Nutrition: Health and nutrition postpartum can be incredibly overwhelming yet making sure you are fueled and replenishing your nutrients and minerals is never more important. I love Margaret Barry of Muscles and Motherhood and have personally taken her online courses to help understand my health deficits and get my energy levels back up postpartum.
Friendship, motherhood community, church: One of your best resources is going to be your mom friends, experienced mothers, and your church community. One of my favorite faith-based motherhood books is called M is for Mama, a Rebellion Against Mediocre Motherhood. Find like-minded friends who you trust and get to chatting about life! I’m always happy to talk with my clients on a deeper level, too, you have my number 🙂
Hobbies: My last suggestion for you, mom, is to get off your phone. Stop doom-scrolling while nursing and contact napping. The internet is not reality. I’ve obviously given tons of suggestions and social media pages, but don’t fall into the trap of comparison or toxicity. Take your baby outside and get some fresh air! Listen to a book on audible while you fold laundry. I was able to do a surprising amount of embroidery while Lottie napped next to me if I wasn’t feeling up to a bigger housework project but still wanted to sit and be screen-free! Find something that works for you and your family’s needs, but really – you’ll feel so much better if you can limit screen time and do something small that you enjoy in those short little breaks.
Because I care…
I care very deeply about each and every one of my clients, and always wish them the best success during their motherhood journey. In those first months, you don’t know what you don’t know. It is hard to know when to reach out for more help or when things are normal and just difficult. I hope that my complied list of resources for new moms is helpful and something you can save to reference on a rainy day or share with the other new moms in your life!

I’m Emilie Phillipson Photography, your Portland Newborn Photographer in Portland Oregon. Are you ready to start dreaming up and planning out your newborn session? Hit the link below and send me an email to inquire! I can’t wait to meet you and create magic of our own!
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